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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 18. August 2016. 16:45

The state to support strongly sustainable use of the nature park

The first visit of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, after nearly two decades, was used for agreeing on models of intensive cooperation between the state and the municipal parliament.

During the visit to Plužine, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović spoke with President of the Municipality Mr Mijuško Bajagić, President of the Local Assembly Mr Milutin Cicmil and Chief Administrator Mr Vladimir Knežević about models for improving the cooperation within the Agreement of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Union of Municipalities. They also discussed the recently adopted set of laws concerning local self-governments.   

The leadership of Plužine informed the President of the Parliament about social and economic opportunities in this municipality, challenges they were facing in the field of energy, wood industry, tourism, etc. The President of the Parliament proposed institutional help in resolving problems, adding that legislative capacity may be increased by greater use of the Union of Municipalities capacities. President Pajović supported efforts of the Municipality of Plužine in exercising the right to compensation from EPCG, which would significantly increase municipal budget and developmental opportunities.

In his conversation with Director of the Regional Nature Park “Piva” Mr Slobodan Delić, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro proposed a set of concreate measures with regard to preservation of natural resources of this area. He also proposed connection with the civil sector and organisations which may help professionally and financially in systematic development and sustainably usage of potentials of the Regional park and results achieved mainly by enthusiasm of employees, with strong support of the state.

The working visit to Plužine ended by touring ethno-village Montenegro – Brezna. The President of the Parliament expressed confidence that there was a number of ways in which the state may support entrepreneur initiatives like this one.

Meeting with head officials and other citizens of Plužine is even more significant, according to the hosts, due to the fact that this has the first visit to Plužine by the President of the Parliament of Montenegro after nearly two decades.