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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 30. August 2016. 13:09

Mr Pajović receives KAP workers

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović has received the representatives of the retired KAP workers who requested their severance pay in front of the building of the Parliament.

Today, as well as during the previous meeting, President Pajović has advocated for application of the law and exercising the rights of workers.

He asked the former KAP workers to calm down, he called for patience and non-violent methods of action for exercising their rights, in order to give the responsible institutions the opportunity to resolve this issue in the upcoming days.

- Violent entering into the Parliament or other institutions, as well as politicisation and attempt at manipulation by any political group, will not resolve your problems, said President Pajović to the KAP workers.

President Pajović called for patience once again, while he especially emphasised that nobody needed conflicts which may result in health consequences for people.