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On the occasion of Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to the President of the Jewish Community in Montenegro Mr JašaAlfandari and members of Jewish community in Montenegro:


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić will receive tomorrow, 14 September 2013, the Prime Minister of the Thailand Government and Minister of Defence Ms JinglukShinawatra.


During the conversation with the President Krivokapić, the Ambassador Pammer expressed pleasure with the work in Montenegro so far, and emphasised that Austria would continue to give full support to the further progress of Montenegro on its path to European integration.


The reception will be held in the Cabinet of the President, starting at 13:30.

President Niinistö extended his wishes of successful work to the President Krivokapić during his presidency over the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, pointing out that the appointment to such an important international function was a great acknowledgement to Montenegro.

Speaker Heinäluoma pointed out that the President Krivokapić deserved to be the head of the largest parliamentary assembly of the world by his many years of engagement in the OSCE .

Following the meeting, Mr Krivokapić and Mr Kinsella expressed mutual pleasure over the good relations between Montenegro and Canada.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić received today in a farewell visit the Ambassador of the United Kingdom H.E. Ms Catherine Knight-Sands.

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