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On the occasion of death of the academician Mr Radoslav Rotković, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić, on his own behalf and on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro, extended a letter of condolences to his family as follows:

Esteemed Mr Popović,

The news that your novel “Karnera” received the prestigious award "Meša Selimović", which is awarded every year in Tuzla for the best novel published in on the territory of our language with four names, brought joy to all admirers of literature in Montenegro.

The fact that, after numerous awards that you received for your poetry, now your prose work received the deserved high recognition is especially impressive. Only the greatest among writers can achieve top accomplishments in both poetry and prose.

The award "Meša Selimović" is certainly the recognition of quality of modern Montenegrin literature, which promotes the culture and the value system of the state of Montenegro in a proper manner.

Please receive my sincere congratulations, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Mr Ranko Krivokapić,
President of the Parliament of Montenegro 

President of the Parliament of Montenegro and President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr Ranko Krivokapić is paying an official visit to Poland, at the invitation of the Speaker of the Sejm – Parliament of Poland Ms Ewa Kopacz.

The reception will be held in the Cabinet of the President, starting at 13:30 pm.

On 9 September 2013, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić will host the President of Senate of Canada Mr Noël A. Kinsella, who is staying in official visit to Montenegro.  

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to the members of the Jewish Community in Montenegro on the occasion of one of the most significant Jewish holidays – Rosh Hashanah, i.e. New Year 5774, which, according to the Jewish calendar, begins on 5 September: 

Interlocutors discussed the policy of good neighbourly relations, historical closeness of Montenegro and Republic of Croatia and roles of national parliaments in European integration process.

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