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The Turkish Ambassador commended the efforts that Montenegro invested in its path to the EU, and especially the role of the Parliament in that process


The ceremony of awarding certificates to representatives of 31 primary school will be organized today in Vila Gorica. 

Tuesday, 11. June 2013. 07:13

Meeting Krivokapić – Tinilir

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić will meet today Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey H.E. Mr Mehmet Niyazi Tinilir.

Speakers of the parliaments of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the parliamentary delegations of Slovenia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Hungary will also participate in the work of the summit.


Monday, 10. June 2013. 13:00

Meeting Mr Krivokapić – Mr Lange

President of the Parliament of Montenegro to receive today Mr Dirk Lange, Head of Unit for Montenegro and Croatia within the European Commission's Directorate General.


Mr Krivokapić and Mr Fotopoulos agreed that Montenegro and Greece have traditionally friendly relations and good cooperation.


Friday, 07. June 2013. 07:45

Meeting Mr Krivokapić – Mr Fotopoulos

President of the Parliament of Montenegro to receive today Mr Ilias Fotopoulos, newly appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Hellenic Republic.


Co-chairpersons of the Working Group elected