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Thursday, 18. July 2013. 14:49

Meeting Mr Krivokapić – Mr Borec

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić to receive tomorrow, 19 July 2013, Mr Tomáš Borec, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Slovakia. 

Thursday, 18. July 2013. 14:42

Meeting Mr Krivokapić - Mr Al-Jasem

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić will receive tomorrow, on 19 July 2013 Mr Fawzi Al-Jasem, the Ambassador of Kuwait.

The reception will be held in the Cabinet of the President, at 11:30.

Following the conversation, a press statement will be issued.

Cameramen and photo-reporters may record the beginning of the meeting, but it is necessary to apply for accreditation in writing, by tomorrow until 10:00, via email:  

Wednesday, 17. July 2013. 15:46

Meeting Mr Krivokapić – Ms Hubáčková

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić to receive tomorrow, 18 July 2013, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Ms Hana Hubáčková.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended congratulatory message on the occasion of Municipality Day of Andrijevica – 17 July to the citizens, the President of the Municipality Mr Srđan Mašović, the President of the Local Assembly Dr Zoran Vuković and the councillors: 

The talk was about cooperation between Montenegro and Georgia, with special emphasis on common aspirations for membership to the European Union and NATO.

In light of celebrating the Statehood Day 13th July, Mr Krivokapić held meetings with the representatives of Montenegrin emigrants, gathered around Montenegrin associations in Belgrade and Lovćenac. 

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić held a speech at the special sitting of Serbian Parliament, scheduled in his honour by the Speaker Stefanović.

Thursday, 11. July 2013. 12:10

Meeting Mr Krivokapić – Mr Petriashvili

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić to receive on Tuesday, 16 July 2013, Minister of European and Euro Atlantic Integration of Georgia Mr Alex Petriashvili.

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