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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 24. September 2013. 11:45

32nd Meeting of the Legislative Committee held

At today’s meeting of the Legislative Committee, a number of amendments considered:

1. The Committee considered and assessed as legally acceptable 7 amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council: (4 amendments submitted by MPs Srđan Milić, Neven Gošović,Velizar Kaluđerović and Snežana Jonica; 2 amendments submitted by MPs Azra Jasavić and Srđan Perić and one amendment submitted by MPs Draginja Vuksanović, Rifat Rastoder, Borislav Banović, Džavid Šabović and Izet Bralić).

2. The Committee considered and assessed as legally acceptable 3 amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts (2 amendments submitted by MPs Srđan Milić, Neven Gošović,Velizar Kaluđerović and Snežana Jonica and one amendment submitted by MPs Draginja Vuksanović, Rifat Rastoder, Džavid Šabović, Izet Bralić and Mićo Orlandić).

3. The Committee considered and assessed as legally acceptable 16 amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro (9 amendments submitted by MPs Srđan Milić, Neven Gošović, Velizar Kaluđerović and Snežana Jonica; 2 amendments submitted by MP Andrija Popović (during the meeting he stated the he gave up his amendment no. 3); 3 amendments submitted by MPs Azra Jasavić and Srđan Perić and 2 amendments submitted to MPs Jelisava Kalezić and Andrija Popović).

4. The Committee considered and assessed as legally acceptable 8 amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Prosecution Office (7 amendments submitted by MPs Srđan Milić, Neven Gošović,Velizar Kaluđerović and Snežana Jonica  and 1 amendment submitted by MPs Azra Jasavić and Srđan Perić).