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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 24. October 2013. 11:53

35th meeting of the Legislative Committee held

Several proposals for a law considered

At their 35th meeting held today, the Legislative Committee considered and positively voted on the following proposals for a law:
- Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Additional Bilateral Agreement to the European Convention on Extradition from 13 December 1957, aimed at facilitating its implementation;

- Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Additional Bilateral Agreement to the European Convention on Mutual Provision of Legal Assistance from 20 April 1959, aimed at facilitating its implementation;
- Proposal for the Law on Safety and Interoperability of the Railway;
- Proposal for the Law on Safety of Maritime Navigation;
- Proposal for the Law on Payment System;
- Proposal for the Law on Providing Blood.