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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 14. October 2014. 16:36

81st meeting of the Legislative Committee

Positive statement of the Committee on amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Higher Education 

The Committee discussed and positively voted on the amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Higher Education: two amendments submitted by MP Srđan Perić, amendment submitted by MPs Srđan Perić and Goran Tuponja, amendment submitted by MP Almer H. Kalač, amendment submitted by MP Nada Drobnjak, two amendments submitted by MPs Srđan Perić and Azra Jasavić, six amendments submitted by MP Andrija Popović (that were in reformulated in three amendments), 6 amendments submitted by MPs Snežana Jonica, six amendments submitted by MPs Damir Šehović and Draginja Vuksanovic and 21 amendments submitted by MPs Branka Bosnjak doc PhD, Jelisava Kalezić prof PhD, Milan Knežević and Ljiljana Đurašković PhD.

The Committee did not consider three amendments submitted by MP Dritan Abazović in accordance with Article 67 paragraph 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro.