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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 12. March 2015. 11:56

Legislative Committee holds its 110th meeting

The Committee considered several proposals for laws

At today’s 110th meeting, the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro considered and positively assessed the following proposals for laws:

- Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Election of Councillors and MPs;;
- Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Voters' Register;
- Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and Government of the Republic of Kosovo on police cooperation;
- Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Institutional Framework of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe;
- Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center;
- Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Agreement between Montenegro and the European Union on the participation of Montenegro in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism;
- Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and Government of the Republic of Turkey on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters
After the conducted discussion, the Committee postponed the vote on the Proposal for the Law on Cooperatives and Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Protocol between Montenegro and Republic of Slovakia together with the Agreement between the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia on Regulation of Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters of 20 January 1964.