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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 25. March 2014. 16:51

31st meeting of the Administrative Committee held

Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro of the 25th convocation, at its 31st meeting held today, gave support to work methodology and rules adopted by the Working Group of the Administrative Committee for compiling Draft list of timely and complete applications for members of the RTCG Council, on the basis of the Law on Public Broadcasting Services of Montenegro and other positive regulations. 

By a majority of votes, the Committee did not accept the request by Mr Goran Đurović, candidate for the RTCG Council, for participation in Committee meeting, in line with Article 67 paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament.

In addition, the Committee received the information of the Ministry of Interior which NGOs from the list of those that appeared as authorised proposers in the appointment of members of RTCG Council have been removed from the Register of NGOs, i.e. for which a procedure - due to timely submitted applications for registration of "harmonised statutes" - was currently on-going.

The Committee decided to submit answers to authorised proposers who have submitted requests-complaints (25) to the published list of complete and timely applications for membership to the RTCG Council, according to the factual state of documents, noted in minutes by the Working Group.

Majority of Committee members took part in the debate, and MP Azra Jasavić, a member of the Working Group, referring to the work of the Group, said : "Aware of the importance and role of the Public service in achieving the public's right to know, and fact that there is no democracy without free reporting, we - as members of the Working Group – paid special attention to documentation for all proposed candidates for the RTCG Council. Therefore, the interest of the public for the work of the Working Group was expected. Considering that the right to dissent is a basic human right, and knowing that as politicians we are due to suffer much greater degree of criticism from those who are not politicians, and aware of our own responsibility to the citizens who elected us , we invite all interested parties to have access to the documentation that was considered by the Working Group, and thus make the process more transparent. We have not responded on media reports about the Working Group, believing that this meeting of the Committee is the place where it is the most appropriate for us to inform the distinguished colleagues- MPs and the public on methodology and methods of work of the Working Group .

Prior to reviewing the documentation submitted by the authorised proponents of candidates for RTCG Council, the Working Group has determined the methodology of work:

- To examine the complete documentation submitted by the authorised proponents, in a manner that document will be firstly reviewed on behalf of the parliamentary majority by MP Marta Šćepanović, and that thereafter, examinations will be carried out on behalf of the opposition by MP Azra Jasavić and finally on behalf of the Professional Service by Goranka Vučinić;

- After that documentation will be reviewed by members of the Working Group of the Committee Service. All members of the Working Group were obliged to take note on any deficiencies in documentation by the authorised proponents, to compare the information they have obtained, carry out re-examination of everything and make a report stating all possible deficiencies. After all these stages, the compiling of Draft list of timely and complete applications for members of the RTCG Council was to be initiated.

The Working Group agreed on the following rules in work :
- All  documentation submitted by the authorised proposers in the form of uncertified copies shall be treated as incomplete documentation , because uncertified copy of any document is not legally valid proof and the factual and legal conclusions cannot be run for such a copy (Supreme Court Up 181/11 );
- Financial statements shall be priced as evidence in the proceedings only if submitted in accordance with Article 6 of the Law on Accounting and Auditing ( financial statements - balance sheet and income statement - with certification that they were handed over to the Tax Administration of MNE- Certificate of Tax Administration and tax stamp of the Central Administration of MNE at the certified forms of financial statements;
- To be accepted as "the past three years" 2010, 2011 and 2012, or 2011, 2012 and 2013, given the fact that deadline for submission of financial reports to the Tax Administration of Montenegro has not expired yet (31 March 2014);
- Annual Reports for the last three years to be priced as evidence in the case when submitted as  general, and not specifically for each year provided that it includes activities for the previous three years;
- Prior to determination of  draft list, additional documentation of authorised proposers shall be priced as timely ;
- Validity of documents  that is conditioned (decision on registration and decision on the establishment of NGOs) shall be priced as evidence in the case when the decision on registration of the original or a certified copy, not taking into account possible uncertified decision on the establishment of NGOs and the like;
- Proposes by the authorised proposers - legal entities shall be assessed as legally valid when submitted in the form established by the Administrative Committee , which is in the same time stamped and certified by a person authorised under Article 28, paragraph 1 of the Law on Public Broadcasting Services .

Working group performed with due diligence, with clear intention to honour positive regulations that this Parliament adopted in the essential and formal sense. I would like to use this opportunity to invite all participants in the “vacancy notice”, as well as all interested parties, to examine the complete documents. That is the only right way.

I consider it important that in this important field there should be clear standards based on the law, that there should be no dilemmas regarding what is valid and what is not with regard to documents, and what is most important that there should be no privileged persons during the candidate selection. Finally, esteemed colleagues, we can trust each other only is we confide in one another, therefore I ask you once more to pay due attention to the members of the Working Group and examine our work. I believe that this is the adequate way to remove all said dilemmas.”

Following the discussion, the Committee unanimously established the Draft list for appointment of the Radio and Television of Montenegro Council, according to authorised proposers:

1. Mr Nikola Vukčević, candidate of the University of Montenegro and the University Donja Gorica “UDG”;
2. Mr Perko Vukotić, candidate of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts;
3. Ms Dragana Tripković, candidate of the NGOs from the field of culture:
- NGO Open Cultural Forum of Cetinje;
- NGO “Fenomeni”, Kolašin.
4. Mr Ivan Mitrović, candidate of the Union of Employers of Montenegro;
5. Mr Mimo Drašković, candidate of the NGO from the field of media:
NGO “Civil forum”, Nikšić.
6. Mr Goran Đurović, candidate of the NGOs from the field of protection of human rights and freedoms, dealing with exercise and protection of: national, gender and overall equality;  right to healthy environment; consumer protection; rights of disabled persons or rights to education and social protection:

- NGO “Adria“, Sutomore;
- NGO “Association for Assistance to Persons with Mental and Physical Disabilities”, Nikšić;
- NGO “Organisation of War Disabled Civilians for Bar and Ulcinj”, Bar;
- NGO “Organisation of Blind for Nikšić, Šavnik and Plužine“, Nikšić;
- NGO “Association of Paraplegics of Montenegro “, Podgorica;
- NGO “Association of Paraplegics of Bar“, Bar;
- NGO “SOS Help-line for Women and Children - Victims of Violence“, Podgorica;
- NGO “Association of Parents of Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities – “Little Ray of Hope“, Pjevlja;
- NGO “Association of Paraplegics of Bijelo Polje and Mojkovac“, Bijelo Polje;
- Non-government foundation “FORS Montenegro“ – Foundation for Development of North of Montenegro, Nikšić;
- NGO “Association of Nurses and Medical Technicians of Bar“, Bar;
- NGO Croatian Civil Society of Montenegro, Kotor;
- NGO “29.11.43“, Tivat;
- NGO “Organisation of the People's Liberation War 1941 - 1945 Berane“, Berane;
- NGO “Association for supporting persons with disabilities“ – Bijelo Polje, abbreviation ASPWD-BP, Bijelo Polje;
- NGO “Tolerance “ – Berane, Berane;
- NGO “Eco Centre - Dolphin “, Kotor;
- NGO “Association of Youth with Disabilities of Nikšić“, Nikšić.
7. Milan Radović, candidate of the NGOs from the field of protection of human rights and freedoms, dealing with exercise and protection of: national, gender and overall equality;  right to healthy environment; consumer protection; rights of disabled persons or rights to education and social protection:
- NGO “35 mm“, Podgorica;
- Non-government Foundation “Građanska alijansa“,  “Civic Alliance“ in English, “Aliansa qytetare“ in Albanian, Podgorica;
- NGO “Youth Initiative for Human Rights“, Podgorica;
- NGO “Association for Democratic Prosperity - ZID“, Podgorica;
- Non-government Foundation “Fund for Active Citizenship FAKT“ Podgorica, Podgorica;
- NGO “Infomont“, Budva;
- NGO “Forum Youth and Informal Education “, Podgorica;
- NGO “Centre for Roma Initiative “, Nikšić;
- NGO “ALFA Centre“, Nikšić;
- NGO “ Association of Paraplegics of Podgorica “, Podgorica;
- NGO “ Association of Paraplegics of Bar“, Bar;
- NGO Croatian Civil Society of Montenegro, Kotor;
- NGO Ekološki pokret “Ozon“, Environmental movement “Ozon“ in English, Nikšić;
- NGO “Djeca – Enfants“, Rožaje;
- NGO “Spirit art Montenegro“, Podgorica;
- NGO “Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Montenegro“, Podgorica;
- Non-government Foundation “Fund for Active Citizenship FAKT“ Podgorica, Podgorica.
8. Mr Vladimir Pavićević, candidate of the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro;
9. Mr Igor Tomić, candidate of the Montenegrin Olympic Committee and National Paralympic Committee of Montenegro.

Within the item of the agenda “Current issues”, Ms Branka Bošnjak initiated that the Committee, in one of its future meetings, should examine justification of acquiring the right to compensation upon cessation of office lasting up to a year of the advisors to the Cabinet of President of the Parliament of Montenegro and the MPs who exercise this right, while there was a doubt that they were hired at another position.

- Minutes from the meetings of the Working Group;
- Tabular overview of proposed applicants in line with Public Notice for appointment of the Radio and Television of Montenegro Council,