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Tuesday, 26. February 2013. 09:52

The Committee adopted the Annual Report on the work of Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro for 2012

At the Sixth Meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, held today, the Committee reached a Decision on Amendments to the Decision on determining the salary and other earnings of the President and the Secretary of the State Electoral Commission.

The decision reduced the value of coefficient for the calculation of the fixed part of the salary for the President and the Secretary of the State Electoral Commission, who perform their functions professionally.

The Committee established two Proposals for decisions. At the proposal of the MPs Club of Positive Montenegro, the Committee decided to propose to the Parliament to dismiss Mr. Srđan Perić and to elect Ms. Azra Jasavić, as a member of the Constitutional Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro. In addition, at the proposal of the MPs Club of Positive Montenegro, the Committee decided to propose to the Parliament to dismiss Ms. Azra Jasavić and to elect Mr. Srđan Perić as a member of the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro.

At the proposal of Mr. Suljo Mustafić, the Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Ms. Seniha Kuč, Bachelor of PoliticalSciences and Mr. Dževdo Jasavić, Bachelor of Tourism, were appointed as advisors to the Vice-President of the Parliament.

The Annual Report on the work of Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro for 2012 was adopted.

The Committee got acquainted with the letter of the Coalition NGO “Through Cooperation to the Aim”, where they expressed their willingness to participate in drafting of acts for election and appointing of the NGO representatives to working bodies established by the Parliament.