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The visit was organized in order to assess the situation in Montenegro and the collection of relevant data necessary for the preparation of the report of the European Commission on the progress of Montenegro, to be published in October. 

Vice-president of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Suljo Mustafić, member of the Parliament, Mr Borislav Banović and NATO Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms Dragana Radulović, had number of meetings with representatives of German state institutions and Bundestag, as part of the study visit intended for experts in the field of security.

At its fourteenth meeting held today, the Anti-Corruption Committee adopted 2013 Performance Report, 2014 Work Plan and reached a Decision on sending an initiative to the Security and Defence Committee to request from the Supreme Public Prosecutor the Information on new findings regarding the affair Telekom, and after obtaining the required information - at the joint meeting with the Anti-corruption Committee - to hold a consultative hearing of the Supreme Public Prosecutor and Director of the Administration for Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism in respect of the said Affair.

The focus of members and the wider public, during the third day of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly April Session, being held in Strasbourg in the period 7 - 11 April 2014, was a discussion about recent events in Ukraine and threats to the functioning of democratic institutions.

Spreading awareness about European values ​​among young people important for the future of Montenegro

Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Halil Duković and the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee, Ms Ljiljana Đurašković, met with the European Commission expert on the institution of protector of human rights and freedoms, legal advisor of the Danish Ombudsman, Mr Klavs Duus Kinnerup Hede.

On day two of the Spring Session, which is being held in Strasbourg, in the period 7-11 April 2014, the following topics are discussed at the plenum of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: prostitution, trafficking and modern slavery in Europe, request for Partnership for democracy between the Parliament of the Council of Europe and Parliament of Kirgizstan and rights of traditional national minorities in Europe. 

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ranko Krivokapić, sent the letter of condolence on the occasion of death of the academician, Mr Čedo Vuković, to Vuković family and to the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts.

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