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Monday, 28. January 2013. 09:49

PACE Winter Session finished

Resolution with concrete recommendations on fight against human trafficking for forced labour adopted.

Tuesday, 26. February 2013. 09:46

Meeting Mr. Vukčević – Mr. Perks

Meeting of the Head of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to PACE with the Chief of representatives of UNICEF for Montenegro.

The UN System representative, Mr. Benjamin Perks, with his associates, Ms. Olivera Komar, professor, representative of the agency Defacto, Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms Dr. Halil Duković and certain members of that Committee, and MP Ms. Zorica Kovačević participated at the meeting.

Regarding petitions on urgent construction and/or reconstruction of public pre-school institutions, Meeting of representatives of the MPs Club of DPS with the NGO “Udruženje Roditelji” was held in the Parliament of Montenegro today.

The topic of the meeting  - the budget procedure from the perspective of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Group of representatives of the Montenegrin Association of Political Science Students will visit the Parliament of Montenegro on Friday 15th March, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Monday, 08. April 2013. 10:45

Lack of quorum

Twelfth meeting of the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, scheduled for today, at 11.30 am, was not held due to lack of quorum.

The Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Dr. Halil Duković and the member of the Committee, MP Ms. Ljiljana Đurašković, PhD, upon the invitation of the Ministry on Human and Minority Rights, participated at the Public Discussion on Draft Strategy for the Improvement of the Quality of Life  of the LGBT population 2013 – 2018, held on 26th February, 2013.

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