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At the Sixth Meeting of the Security and Defence Committee, the proposal of the Prime Minister  of the Government of Montenegro  for appointing the Head of the Military  Intelligence and Security Affairs Department in the Ministry of Defence considered.

On its sixth meeting, held on 6th March 2013, the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro decided to implement a Study visit to the Committee on Human and National Minority Rights of the Croatian Parliament, from 19th to 22th March 2013, and in such manner to implement the activities set out in the Activity plan of the Committee on 2013, which had not been implemented in the previous year due to calling for the early parliamentary elections.

The Commission for Monitoring and Control of the Privatisation Process held its first meeting today.

Mr. Koča Pavlović, member of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro met with the Delegation of SIGMA – Mr. Xavier Sisternas, chief administrator for the field of public administration, administrative law, and anticorruption and Professor Mr. Eduard Roig, a specialist in that field.

Member of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Mladen Bojanić, was a guest at the workshop.

Lack of quorum.

Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro held Tenth Meeting today.

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