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Skupština Crne Gore

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović will take part in the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament of the Council of Europe member states, which is taking place in Strasbourg, on 14 and 15 September.

Democracy as special knowledge that must be developed and learned

Two proposals for laws considered

Predśednik Skupštine Crne Gore Darko Pajović uručiće śutra sertifikate polaznicima Demokratskih radionica „Barbara Pramer”, koji su radionice pohađali u periodu od februara do juna 2016. godine.

Potpredśenik Skupštine Crne Gore mr Milutin Simović primio je danas gospođu Plamenu Halachevu novoimenovanu šeficu Sektora za politiku, evropske integracije i trgovinu u Delegaciji Evropske unije u Crnoj Gori.

Monday, 12. September 2016. 11:06

Legislative Committee holds its 174th meeting

Three proposals for laws considered

Sunday, 11. September 2016. 16:01

Mr Pajović wishes a happy Kurban Bayram

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović has wished a happy Kurban Bayram to Reis of the Islamic Community in Montenegro Mr Rifat Fejzić and to citizens of Montenegro of the Islamic faith, and also wished them well and to spend it in peace and happiness.

U radu konferencije učestvovali članovi Odbora za ekonomiju, finansije i budžet 

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