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At today’s second meeting of the Committee on Monitoring the Application of the Law on Election of Councillors and MPs in the part relating to the media, members of the Committee and editors-in-chief of electronic media in Montenegro exchanged opinions with regard to media reporting during the election campaign. 

At today’s 87th meeting, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants gave a positive opinion on Mr Aleksandar Moštrokol, candidate for a position of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Montenegro in Hungary, on a residential basis in Budapest.

In the afternoon part of the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament, which is being held in Strasbourg, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović met Deputy Speaker of the British House of Commons Ms Eleanor Laing and President of the Senate of the Republic of Italy Mr Pietro Grasso.

At its 86th meeting held today, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants provided a positive opinion on Mr Nebojša Kaluđerović, candidate for the position of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Montenegro to the United States of America on a residential basis, in Washington.


Conditional support to the Government in January saved Montenegro 

Two proposals for laws considered


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