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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 18. March 2014. 18:43

85th Rose-Roth seminar begins in Sarajevo

Head of the standing delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the NATO PA Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić will participate in the gathering

Head of the standing delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the NATO PA will take part in the 85th Rose-Roth seminar titled “Security and democratisation in the Western Balkans: Anchoring stability and encouraging reforms”, which will be held in Sarajevo in the period 18-20 March 2014.

The keynote speakers at the gathering were Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Milorad Živković, former NATO PA Vice President and rapporteur of the Defence and Security Committee Julio Miranda Calha, and former High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina lord Paddy Ashdown.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr Ranko Krivokapić also addressed the participants during the opening session of the seminar.

In continuation, the topics covered included the outlook for enlargement of the European Union and NATO to the Western Balkans, with special regard to political recommendations and views from the civil society.

The gathering organised by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in cooperation with the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue its work tomorrow.