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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 08. October 2014. 20:45

Meeting of members of the Security and Defense Committee with the delegation of American congressmen

Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee, Mevludin Nuhodžić, and members: Milutin Simović, Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja, Borislav Banović, Suljo Mustafić and Snežana Jonica, met today with the delegation of American congressmen, led by Congressmen Michael Turner. The delegation was composed of Congressmen Loretta Sanchez and Congressmen Paul Cook, and apart from them, the meeting was also attended by H.E. Ms Sue K. Brown, US Ambassador to Montenegro.

The progress of Montenegro in the Euro-Atlantic integration was discussed at the meeting, the role of the Security and Defense Committee of Montenegro in this process, as well as the reforms carried out in the sector of security and defense, with special emphasis on inter-party cooperation and monitoring of the work of security services, as one of priorities of the Euro-Atlantic integration. Also, the question of the relation of Montenegrin security services towards global security challenges, such as the fight against Islamic extremists, was the subject of concern of meeting participants.

Pursuant to the above, the importance of timely combat against terrorism was commonly accentuated and its adequate protection in order to prevent potential danger of these phenomena that knew no boundaries of states and are of global character. The progress and the importance of continuing the reform process was noted and the full commitment of all institutions necessary for achieving the strategic goal of Montenegro, full membership in NATO.