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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 22. October 2014. 22:04

Day two of a study visit to the Kingdom of Norway by Delegation of Security and Defence Committee

Chairperson and members of the Security and Defence Committee: Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić, Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, Mr Luiđ Škrelja, Mr Predrag Bulatović, Ms Snežana Jonica, Mr Velizar Kaluđerović and Mr Darko Pajović are participating in the visit.

Day two of the study visit was devoted to topics under the jurisdiction of Norwegian Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Justice and Public Safety.

Director of Norwegian Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector Mr Bardon K. Knudsen presented to Montenegrin Delegation the main tasks, goals and human resources of the service. Within the presentation on "Building Integrity in the defence sector", participants discussed issues such as corruption risk assessment and the internationalisation of normative standards. Also, there was a debate about the upcoming project entitled "Strengthening the integrity system in the sector of defence and security", which would be implemented in Montenegro, in cooperation with the Kingdom of Norway.

Ms Victoria Furuhounde, representative of the Norwegian Ministry of Defence, held a presentation titled "Public procurement in the defence sector in Norway" for members of the Montenegrin delegation, after which they exchanged experiences and best practices regarding the implementation of parliamentary oversight over the planning, allocation and expenditure of funds in the sector of defence and security.

In addition, Colonel Lars Sivert Lervik from the Department of Security Policy at the Ministry of Defence, presented the Norwegian system for crisis response and role of Norwegian armed forces in civilian protection, including anti-terrorist forces. On this occasion, Chairperson Nuhodžić presented normative regulations and control mechanisms of Montenegro in this area, which was followed by a discussion.

Mr Thorn Arne Ass, Director General at the Ministry of Justice and Public Security spoke on the role of the police in ensuring public security in the Kingdom of Norway and the regulation of private security companies. After the presentation, members of Delegation of Security and Defence Committee expressed particular interest in the position of the police in the Norwegian security system, as well as the specific jurisdiction of Norwegian private security companies.

 The visit will be continued tomorrow.