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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 28. July 2015. 12:44

Security and Defence Committee holds its 43rd meeting

Amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Data Confidentiality considered



At the 43rd meeting of the Security and Defence Committee amendments (6) to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Data Confidentiality were considered, submitted by MP Ms Snežana Jonica (four amendments), MPs Mr Srđan Perić and Mr Goran Tuponja (one amendment) and MP Ms Ljerka Dragičević (one amendment).

After the introductory explanation by the representative of the submitter of amendments, expressed opinion of the representative of the proposer for the law of not accepting the amendments and the discussion that followed, the amendment 4, submitted to the Proposal for the Law by MP Ms Snežana Jonica, was endorsed by members of the Committee, while the amendments 1, 2 and 3 did not obtain majority required. The amendment that was submitted to the Proposal for the Law by MPs Mr Srđan Perić and Mr Goran Tuponja was endorsed with majority of votes by members of the Committee, while the amendment by MP Ms Ljerka Dragićević did not obtain majority required.