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Tuesday, 06. October 2015. 15:55

Presentation of the OSCE study on National Action Plans for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak and Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić spoke at the opening of the gathering

Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Ms Nada Drobnjak and Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić spoke at the presentation of the OSCE study on National Action Plans for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, held in Podgorica today.

In her opening address, the Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee stressed that Montenegro would - by adoption of the National Plan and application of UN Security Council Resolution 1325  “Women, Peace and Security” - confirm its intention to contribute actively to the processes of building the peace, stability and security, primarily in its immediate environment i.e. Southeast Europe, then in Europe - through comprehensive process of European integration, and in the world - through participation in peace operations.

“By choosing the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, as a framework for the overall democratic and economic development of the country, it is our commitment to change Montenegrin institutionalised framework in the upcoming period and adapt our system to the level of knowledge and gender equality, which will ensure a better and faster path to the state.   It is obvious that in the joining process we will face the challenge of changing the perception of men and women on the system of security, which will be contributed by proper definition of the place and role of women in the system”, Ms Drobnjak stated.

In his address, Chairperson of the Defence and Security Committee Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić emphasised that societies working on the strengthening of a position of women, particularly in the defence and security sector, showed the commitment to the principle of respect and protection of human rights by their actions, and they used all of their potential to achieve political, economic and every other development.

Furthermore, he stressed that the Security and Defence Committee would regularly continue to provide a support to all initiatives and projects aimed at education and raising awareness on the importance of this issue, and finding better models for the application of international standards, with the purpose of providing greater participation of women at all level of decision-making process, and drawing attention to specific needs and protection of women and girls, and inclusion of gender perspective in post-conflict processes.   “Also, we will continue, within our competences, to devote a special attention to monitoring activities of bodies and institutions - over whose work we conduct parliamentary oversight - undertaken by them for the purpose of implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and we will continue to actively promote values and principles contained in the said document, both domestically and internationally”, Mr Nuhodžić concluded.

Aside from representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro, the participants were also addressed in the introductory part by: Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro Ms Janina Hrebickova, OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues Ambassador Ms Miroslava Beham, Minister of Defence Ms Milica Pejanović-Đurišić and Minister of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro Mr Suad Numanović. Representatives of the institutions from the country and region as well as representatives of the civil sector addressing the subject issue participated in the gathering.

The said study, comprising analyses of 27 national action plans for the implementation of the Resolution 1325 in the OSCE countries, was published by the OSCE General Secretariat.