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Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee, Mevludin Nuhodžić, and members: Milutin Simović, Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja, Borislav Banović, Suljo Mustafić and Snežana Jonica, met today with the delegation of American congressmen, led by Congressmen Michael Turner. The delegation was composed of Congressmen Loretta Sanchez and Congressmen Paul Cook, and apart from them, the meeting was also attended by H.E. Ms Sue K. Brown, US Ambassador to Montenegro.

The meeting will be held in the premises of the Parliament of Montenegro, Red Room, starting at 16:00h.

At today’s 23rd meeting, the Security and Defence Committee has considered the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on National Security Agency.

The Seminar was attended by the Chairperson and members of the Security and Defense Committee Mevludin Nuhodžić, Radivoje Nikčević, Borislav Banović, Snežana Jonica and Velizar Kaluđerović. 

Chairperson and members of the Security and Defense Committee to participate in the Seminar 

Member of the Security and Defense Committee Luiđ Ljubo Škrelja to participate in the seminar 

On today held continuation of the 26th meeting, the Security and Defense Committee considered the Report on the protection and rescue system in Montenegro in 2013. 

Tuesday, 16. September 2014. 18:13

Meeting Drobnjak – Nuhodžić - Hrebičkova

Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee Nada Drobnjak and Chairperson of the Security and Defense Committee Mevludin Nuhodžić held today in Podgorica a working meeting with the Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Ambassador Janina Hrebičkova.   

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