On their 28th meeting held today, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget decided to propose to the Parliament of Montenegro to adopt the Proposal for the Law on Payments, which, among other things, created legal assumptions to introduce new institutions (payment institutions) as providers of payment services, provided greater degree of protection of participants in payments, regulated rules to perform acts of issuing the electronic money, and the like.
Additionally, the Committee decided to propose to the Parliament to adopt the Proposal for the Law on Security and Interoperability at the Railway, providing the maintenance and promotion of security of the railway system of Montenegro, and achieving of interoperability in the railway system of the European Union.
Proposal for the Law on Safety of Maritime Navigation did not obtain the necessary majority at the Committee meeting. They announced submission of amendments to the said legislative act.
The Committee determined 21 October 2013 as the date of holding the consultative hearing on the topic: “Implementation of the Law on NGOs regarding their funding“.