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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 03. July 2014. 13:33

Second meeting of parliamentarians from Energy Community countries ended

Attendance of the Parliamentary delegation of Montenegro 

Delegation of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget of the Parliament of Montenegro attended the Second meeting of parliamentarians from Energy Community countries, which was held in Vienna, on 3 July, organized by the Energy Community Secretariat and the Regional Cooperation Council.
During the meeting, participants were acquainted with the work of the Energy Community in the past year and future activities. In addition, the Third energy package was presented and its implementation, which was reflected through: promoting separation, availability to third parties, strengthening of independent regulatory bodies, protection of "vulnerable" categories of consumers and open markets.
Findings of the High Level Reflection Group was also presented, which aimed to assess the performance of the Energy Community and suggest directions for further development.
At the end of the meeting, workshops were held with experts of the Energy Community and parliamentary delegations of member countries on issues of importance to each country.
Aside from the Parliamentary delegation of Montenegro and representatives of the Energy Community, the meeting was attended by delegations of: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldavia, Serbia and Ukraine.