At today held 81st meeting, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, with the presence of the Minister of Finance and members of the Senate of the State Audit Institution, considered the degree of implementation of conclusions of the Montenegrin Parliament regarding the consideration of the Proposal for the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2012 as well as the degree of implementation of conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro on the adoption of the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2014) with the Information on the implementation of budget revenue in the first half of 2014 (No. 33/14-3/1 dated 25 September).
Starting from the information on the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of recommendations of the State Audit Institution for the first and second quarter of 2014 and opinions of SAI on the implementation of recommendations contained in the Report on the Audit of the Budget of Montenegro for 2012, the Committee stated that six recommendations from the total number of recommendations (20) divided into six areas were fully implemented, five were partly implemented and six recommendations were not implemented. Also, it was stated that the implementation of three recommendations is ongoing, and deadline for their implementation is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2014.
In relation to two Parliamentary conclusions regarding the consideration of the Proposal for the Law on the Budget for 2014, the Committee was informed of the notice of the Government on implementation of the budget revenues in the first half of 2014, where the activities of three line ministries were outlined, and which among other things, referred to determining the model of pension harmonization and analysis of all individual budget expenditure in order to find solutions to increase expenditures indicated in the parliamentary conclusion.