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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 17. December 2014. 13:40

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget continued its 86th meeting

Proposal for the Law on Budget for 2015 is supported 

At today held continuation of 86th meeting, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget discussed the Proposal for the Law on Budget for 2015. During the discussion, members of the Committee expressed different opinions and positions in relation to the suggested budget. During the discussion, macroeconomic indicators were commented and the position was expressed that the mentioned Proposal for budget has a developmental character due to the significant growth rates that are expected in the coming years due to the implementation of important capital projects. Also, during the discussion, dissatisfaction was expressed bearing in mind that the debt would exceed the amount of 60% of GDP, and it was pointed to the need for development of programs for recovery of government debt in accordance with the Law on Budget and Fiscal Responsibility

The Committee decided to propose to the Parliament to adopt the Proposal for the Law on Budget for 2015.

Also, the Committee unanimously supported the Proposal for the Decision on issuing and financing the weekly magazine in Albanian language “Koha Javore”, submitted by MPs: Genci Nimanbegu, Predrag Sekulić and Dritan Abazović.

At the second continuation of 86th meeting, which will be subsequently convened, the Committee will vote on other items on the agenda.