At today held second continuation of 86th meeting, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget discussed the amendment of MP Damir Šehović and amendment of MP Almer Kalač, that were submitted to the Proposal for the Law on consensual financial restructuring of debts to financial institutions, as well as two amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Regional Development submitted by MPs Zoran Jelić and Zorica Kovačević. Following the positive opinion of representative of proponents, the Committee supported mentioned amendments that have become an integral part of the proposal for the law.
Also, the Committee ended the discussion regarding the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Business Enterprises, submitted by MPs: Aleksandar Damjanović and Danko Šarančič. The Committee will vote on the mentioned Proposal for the Law at its third continuation of 86th meeting.