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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 01. June 2015. 16:15

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget ends its 101st meeting

Control hearing on the topic of “Implementation of policy, or law in the field of concessions, with reference to implementation of conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro adopted regarding consideration of 2013 Performance Report of the Commission for Concessions”

At today’s meeting, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget held a consultative hearing of the following: Mr Petar Ivanović – Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Radoje Žugić – Minister of Finance, Mr Vladimir Kavarić – Minister of Economy, Mr Ivan Bošković – President of the Commission for Concessions, Mr Božidar Vuksanović – Director of Administration for Inspection Affairs, Mr Milan Lakićević – Director of Tax Administration, Mr Radoš Šućur – Director of the Forest Administration, and Mr Zoran Janković – Director of Water Administration on the topic of “Implementation of policy, or law in the field of concessions, with reference to implementation of conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro adopted regarding consideration of 2013 Performance Report of the Commission for Concessions (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 31/14)”

During the discussion, which lasted for three and half hours, MPs posed numerous questions to persons invited to control hearing, which, inter alia, were related to: situation in the field of concessions, granting and charging concessions, non-compliance of data on collection of public revenue in the field of concession, level of implementation of parliamentary conclusions adopted on the occasion of considering the Performance Report of the Commission for Concessions, fulfilment of recommendations of the State Audit Institution contained In the Report on Audit of Revenues of the Budget of Montenegro in this field in relation to solutions contained in the Draft Law on Public Private Partnerships, etc.

In line with Article 77 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee will, at one of the following meetings, propose to the Parliament to adopt relevant conclusions concerning the held hearing.