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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 12. June 2015. 13:57

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget holds its 103rd meeting

Implementation of five conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro of 16 July 2014 relating to the Saltworks "Bajo Sekulić" JSC Ulcinj was considered   

At its 103rd meeting held today, in accordance with 2015 Action Plan for Strengthening the Legislative and Oversight Role of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget considered the degree of implementation of five conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro of 16 July 2014, adopted on the on occasion of the control hearing held for the purpose of obtaining information on bankruptcy proceeding in the Saltworks "Bajo Sekulić" JSC Ulcinj.

The meeting was attended by bankruptcy administrator at the Saltworks "Bajo Sekulić" Mr Ognjen Jovović, who notified the Committee on the current situation in the Saltworks, and provided his view on implementation of the said conclusions, and Mr Miloš Bigović, Head of Sector for Operations at Functional Unit Supply of Electric Power Plant of Montenegro JSC Nikšić, who provided a view on implementation of the first parliamentary conclusion.

Regarding consideration of degree of implementation of the said conclusions, the Committee was also informed on the official letters by: Labour Fund, Investment and Development Fund, Electric Power Plant of Montenegro JSC Nikšić, and Municipality of Nikšić.

The MPs were most focused on implementation of the conclusion No. 5, relating to consideration of possibility of returning a majority part of joint stock capital of the Saltworks "Bajo Sekulić" JSC Ulcinj into the state ownership, estimating that the issue of ownership was a key issue in order to resolve the problems in the Saltworks.

During the discussion, opinions and views were stated regarding the degree of implementation of the said conclusions, which will be included in the Committee’s report.