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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 09. July 2015. 14:17

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget starts its 108th meeting

2014 Performance Report of the Agency for Protection of Competition supported

In accordance with Article 137 paragraph 3 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee considered the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Pension and Disability Insurance Law, submitted by MP Mr Srđan Milić, and noted that the fiscal effect was being created to the state budget, as well as that it was necessary to plan for state budget funds for 2016.

The Committee considered seven amendments by MP Mr Nebojša Medojević to the Proposal for the Law on on Conversion of Loans in Swiss Francs CHF into Euros EUR, which considerably amended the original Proposal for the Law.  Following the discussion, the Committee unanimously assessed that the text of the Proposal for the Law amended in such a way was acceptable. The Committee also pointed out the need to have opinions of the Government and the Central Bank of Montenegro submitted before the parliamentary discussion on the Proposal for the Law.

In accordance with the Law on Protection of Competition, the Committee considered and decided to propose to the Parliament to adopt the 2014 Performance Report of the Agency for Protection of Competition, whose competencies, pursuant to the Law, include:  determining prohibited agreements between the participants in the market; determining measures, conditions and deadlines for elimination of negative consequences of prohibited agreements; determining abuse of dominant positions and prohibiting actions leading to the abuse, as well as determining measures, conditions and deadlines for elimination of negative consequences of  such actions, and merger assessment.

It was agreed that 2014 Status Report of Energy Sector of Montenegro and amendment by MPs Mr Mladen Bojanić and Mr Aleksandar Damjanović to the Proposal for the Law on Supplement to the Bankruptcy Law would be considered in continuation of the meeting.