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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 15. February 2016. 15:23

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget holds its 129th meeting

Proposal for the Law on Public Sector Salaries supported

At its 129th meeting held today, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget considered the Proposal for the Law on Public Sector Salaries.

It was pointed out in the Committee meeting that the goal of proposal of this law was to harmonise the level of salaries in all segments of the public sector in accordance with the same principles for officials, employees in administration at the state and local level, companies with majority of shares owned by the state and local self-governments, as well as independent regulatory bodies and other institutions and bodies that exercise public powers.

It was also pointed out that the intention behind proposing this law, among other things, was the introduction of the new concept for calculation of salaries in the public sector, correction of inequalities in salaries, harmonisation of the level of salaries with the level of responsibility, increasing of transparency and fiscal responsibility, which would contribute to fiscal consolidation at the side of expenditures.

In preparation for the meeting, and in light of the various official letters by the interested parties, as well as the opinion of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, the Committee pointed out the possibility of submitting amendments by the MPs, as well as that some amendments were already under the Parliamentary procedure.

Following the discussion, during which different opinions on the proposed act were voiced, the Committee decided to propose to the Parliament to adopt the Proposal for the Law on Public Sector Salaries.

In addition to the authorised representatives of the proposer, in accordance with Article 67 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, representatives of the following also participated in the meeting:  Union of Employers of Montenegro, Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro, NGO “Civic Alliance”, and Red Cross of Montenegro.

In accordance with Article 67 of the Rules of Procedure, the meeting was attended by a representative of the NGO “Institute Alternative”.