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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 05. September 2016. 12:44

Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget holds its 158th meeting

The 2017 Draft Budget of the State Audit Institution was established, and amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Conversion of Loans in Swiss Francs CHF into Euros EUR were considered.

At its 158th meeting held today, pursuant to Article 51 of the Law on State Audit Institution, the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget established the 2017 Draft Budget of the State Audit Institution.

Pursuant to Article 76 paragraph 3 of the Law on Central Bank of Montenegro, the Committee considered the request for consent to election of internationally recognised independent external auditor of financial reports of the Central Bank of Montenegro for 2016. Bearing in mind that at the moment of voting there was no quorum, the Committee will vote on the above act in one of the upcoming meetings.

The Committee also considered amendments to the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Conversion of Loans in Swiss Francs CHF into Euros EUR, submitted by MPs: Mr Zoran Jelić, Mr Rešid Adrović, Ms Maida Bešlić, Mr Veljko Zarubica, and Mr Radovan Obradović. Bearing in mind that the representative of the proposer accepted the amendment 1 (28-1/16-2/11), as well as the amendment 3 (28-1/16-2/6), the Committee noted that they were an integral part of the wording of the Proposal for the Law.  Following the vote, the amendment 2 (28-1/16-2/11) did not obtain the necessary majority of votes of the Committee.