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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 24. July 2013. 13:43

Sixth meeting of the Committee on European Integration started

Proposal for Resolution on Manner, Quality and Dynamics of the Integration Process of Montenegro to the European Union presented.

Sixth meeting of the Committee on European Integration started today with adoption of the extended agenda: 1. Consideration of the Proposal for Resolution on Manner, Quality and Dynamics of the Integration Process of Montenegro to the European Union; 2. Presentation of the procedures for adoption of negotiation documents in Montenegro and European Union; 3. Presentation of the previous activities within the Negotiation Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights; 4. Presentation of the previous activities within the Negotiation Chapter 24 – Justice, Freedom and Security; 5. Adoption of the Interim Performance Report and 6. Miscellaneous.

In respect of the first item of the agenda, the attendees were addressed by the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro and Head of the Working Group which had been working on drafting the Proposal for Resolution Mr Branko Radulović Professor PhD, who presented the composition and activities of the Working Group which have resulted in submission of the Proposal for Resolution on Manner, Quality and Dynamics of the Integration Process of Montenegro to the European Union. Bearing in mind that Committee members voiced particular interest for the concerned document, wishing to contribute to increasing of its quality, the meeting was adjourned, for the purpose of providing additional time for consideration of the guidelines offered by the Proposal for Resolution.

Members of the Committee on European Integration will continue their work at the continuation of the sixth meeting, which will be held on 25 July 2013 in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting at 15:30.