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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 27. September 2013. 14:42

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Slaven Radunović met with the attendants of the XII generation of the School of Democratic Leadership

Highlighted significance of reforms with a view to reaching the European standards

In his address, the Chairperson of the Committee informed the attendants of the school on the work of the Committee on European Integration, as well as the relationship of the Committee and the Parliament of Montenegro with the Government of Montenegro in the process of European integration.

Speaking of the relationship of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Committee on European Integration with the Government of Montenegro in the negotiation process, the Chairperson of the Committee pointed out that it was necessary to adopt a document to contractually regulate the cooperation with the bodies of legislative and executive powers, thereby creating conditions for firm positioning of the Parliament of Montenegro, or the Committee in the process of monitoring the flow of negotiations.  

Pointing out the specifics of the competencies of the Committee regarding the need to continuously work on being informed on the process, the Chairperson of the Committee pointed out that the members of the Committee should be informed on the EU acquis, the level of harmonisation of the national with the EU legislation, negotiation positions, action plans for certain chapters, as well as all accompanying activities including implementation of reforms, crucial for opening and closing of the negotiation chapters.

The Committee on European Integration recognised the significance of greater involvement of the public and informing them on the entire Montenegro’s EU accession process, and in that sense the Chairperson Radunović announced and simultaneously invited all the people present to participate in the public debate that would be held in the Hotel Podgorica, 4 October 2013, on the topic “Montenegro and the EU – negotiation chapters 23 and 24”. Apart from that, it was pointed out that by the end of the year the Committee would organise theme workshops aimed at high school students, students and representatives of the local authorities. In an effort to contribute to better awareness of the society, and having in mind the fact about the undoubtedly wide spread use of social networks, the Chairperson of the Committee told the attendants of the School that they could find information on the activities of the Committee and all news relating to Montenegro’s EU accession process on their Facebook page – Committee on European Integration, as well as their Twitter account – @EUOdborCG.