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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 11. October 2013. 15:44

The Committee on European Integration will host the parliamentary Delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova from 13 to 16 October

A series of meetings were scheduled for the purpose of sharing experiences and lessons learned in the field of European integration 

Working visit of the Delegation of the Parliament of Moldova, which will be staying in Montenegro from 13 to 16 October, is implemented within the UNDP project from Kishinev, on the topic “Promoting Democracy by Providing Election and Parliamentary Support in Moldova”. The goal of this visit is the exchange of information on the topic of European integration and promotion of democratic values, with special focus on the role of the Parliament of Montenegro in the European integration process, but also the sharing of experiences of Montenegro and its lessons learned on its path to the EU.

During the visit, the meetings with the following are scheduled: the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Željko Šturanović; members of the Committee on European Integration; members of the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration; the representatives of the Section for research, analysis, library and documentation of the Parliament, as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration; the EU Delegation to Montenegro; and the civil sector.

The meetings organised in the building of the Parliament of Montenegro will be held on 14 October in the Blue Room, starting at 10:00am, as well as on 15 October in the Red Room, starting at 11:30am.