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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 14. October 2013. 18:02

Delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in the official visit to the Parliament of Montenegro

Multiple meetings were held

Delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova paid an official visit to the Parliament of Montenegro, within the official visit to Montenegro from 13 to 16 October, implemented within the UNDP project from Kishinev, on the topic “Promoting Democracy by Providing Election and Parliamentary Support in Moldova”. The following held meetings with the representatives of the Parliament of Moldova: members of the Committee on European Integration, members of the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration, as well as the representatives of the Section for research, analysis, library and documentation of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Multiple meetings were held covering the topics such as the role of the parliament in the EU negotiation process, importance of combating corruption and organized crime, as well as the need for closer cooperation between Montenegro and Moldova for the purpose of sharing valuable experiences of Montenegro from the negotiation process.

In the meeting with the parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Moldova, the members of the Committee on European Integration presented the work of the Parliament and the Committee, pointing out that the role of the legislative authority was immeasurably important in the EU negotiation process, and that the Parliament was now in the process of defining its position in relation to the Government of Montenegro. Apart from that, they also spoke on the control role that the Parliament was exercising through a series of parliamentary institutes, as well as the new approach in negotiations regarding chapters 23 and 24, currently representing the key element for progress of candidate countries in the EU negotiations. The Committee members offered support to their counterparts from the Parliament of Moldova in the EU negotiation process, with regard to harmonization of legislation with the EU acquis, creation and strengthening of the institutes for parliamentary oversight over the work of the Government, as well as regarding enhancement of communication of the parliament with the citizens.  

In the meeting of the members of the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration with the parliamentary delegation of Moldova, the information had been exchanged on the topic of European integration and promotion of democratic values, with special focus on the role and functions of this Committee. The work of the Committee regarding the negotiation process with the Union was presented, with special regard to the constitutional amendments and the adoption of a set of laws in the field of judiciary, as special prerequisites for opening the chapters 23 and 24. Additionally, the oversight role of the Parliament was represented regarding combating corruption and organised crime, which was reflected through the adoption of a set of laws from this field, as well as through forming of the Anti-Corruption Committee. It was emphasised as well that the action plans had been drafted for chapters 23 and 24, creating conditions for opening of these chapters, and that regular monitoring and reporting on the degree of implementation of these documents was extremely significant.

At the meeting with the members of the delegation of Moldova, the representatives of the Section for research, analysis, library and documentation informed the interlocutors with the activities of the Section and its role in supporting the MPs and the Parliamentary Service, with special focus on drafting research papers. In the context of contributing to the work of the MPs and the Service, it was pointed out that in the previous period a significant step forward had been made regarding reorganisation and the human resources strengthening of this segment of the Parliamentary Service, and the new Rulebook on Systematisation and Organisation envisaged the forming of the Parliamentary institute, with wider competencies. Apart from that, the topics of the meeting also included the importance of promotion of transparency of the work of the parliament, through TV broadcasting of the plenary sessions, drafting parliamentary publications and other activities significant for the work of the parliament.

During the meeting, the members of the delegation of Moldova represented the composition and recent activities of the Parliament and the Committee on Foreign Affairs and European Integration, particularly emphasising Moldova’s progress in the process of European integration so far, within which the signing of the Association Agreement was expected in November, in Vilnius. They also commended the existence of consensus in the Parliament on the EU membership, which was not the case in Moldova, and they expressed the desire to intensify communication of the competent committees in order to exchange information and experiences.

The Delegation of the Parliament of Moldova consisted of Mr Oleg Bodrug, the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and a member of the Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance; Ms Valentina Stratan, a member of the Committee on Social Welfare, Health and Family; Mr Iurie Chiorescu, a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and European Integration; Ms Victoria Parfentiev, Senior Advisor in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and European Integration, as well as Mr Johan Hommes, UNDP Chief Technical Advisor.