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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 23. October 2013. 15:15

Fourteenth meeting of the Committee on European Integration ended

A positive opinion was given on the Report on Negotiation Chapter 3 – Right of establishment and freedom to provide services, the Report on Honouring of Commitments in Negotiation Chapter 25 – Science and Research, the Report on Honouring of Commitments in Negotiation Chapter 26 – Education and Culture, and the 32nd Quarterly Report on Total Activities within the EU Stabilisation and Association Process was considered.

In the first part of the fourteenth meeting of the Committee on European Integration held today, which was closed for public, Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator for Leading Negotiations on Montenegro’s EU Accession, presented the Report on Negotiation Chapter 3 – Right of establishment and freedom to provide services, the Report on Honouring of Commitments in Negotiation Chapter 25 – Science and Research, the Report on Honouring of Commitments in Negotiation Chapter 26 – Education and Culture. Following the discussion that followed for each individual report in relation to the degree of honoured obligations of Montenegro, the members of the Committee unanimously decided to adopt positive opinions on all three reports, of which they would notify the competent ministry.

In the second part of the meeting, Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, the Chief Negotiator, presented the 31st Quarterly Report on Total Activities within the EU Stabilisation and Association Process. The members of the Committee expressed particular interest in the part of the Report relating to IPA funds, so, in that respect, it had been agreed that a special theme meeting dedicated to the instrument of pre-accession assistance should be organised by the end of the current year.

Apart from the Chief Negotiator, the meeting was also attended by the members of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget; the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports, as well as Mr Anđelko Lojpur, member of the Negotiation Group for Chapters 25 and 26; Mr Vladimir Savković, member of the Negotiation Group for Chapter 3; and heads of working groups for the said chapters.