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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 14. November 2013. 16:43

Members of the Committee on European Integration meet Mr Charles Tannock

Positive assessments of previous negotiation process emphasised as well as the importance of connecting political parties at transnational level

Members of the Committee on European Integration met today Mr Charles Tannock, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament and rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro, in order to exchange impressions on current issues in terms of European integration process of Montenegro, particularly in the part of pre-accession negotiations.

The MEP emphasised that Montenegro had been on a good path regarding integration processes, praising the course of negotiations in terms of government’s and parliament’s role. He particularly emphasised the importance of sending the positive message to Brussels when it comes to opening of chapters 23 and 24, also stating that the focus was placed at internally displaced persons, their social inclusion, then issues covered by the chapter 8 relating the competence and actual issues on regional cooperation as well as membership of Montenegro to NATO.

The Rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro voiced pleasure over Montenegro’s progress on the European path, announcing that the report which was expected to be published in February would be positive. On that occasion he stated that it was exceptionally important for Montenegro’s political parties to connect with European Parliament political parties, i.e. to cooperate at transnational level.

Committee members voiced consent in the part relating the need for resolving the crucial issues covered by chapters 23 and 24, emphasising that the implementation of those was expected in December of the current year. On this occasion, participants voiced expectation that Montenegro would continue to work on building the adequate legislative framework which would be followed by the full implementation - finally resulting in adoption of European values and standards,

In addition to Mr Tannock, the meeting was also attended by H.E. Mr Mitja Drobnič, Head of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro as well as Mr Jonathan Lis, the advisor to the Rapporteur.