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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 18. November 2013. 16:04

Action of holding of public debates of the Committee on European Integration started

Members of the Committee held a public debate with high-school students and a meeting with representatives of the local government in Herceg Novi 

Action of holding of public debates of the Committee on European Integration started today in Herceg Novi, aimed at informing  high-school students from all Montenegrin municipalities on the European integration process and the role of the Parliament of Montenegro in that process.

The public debate held in the Public Institution Combined High School “Ivan Goran Kovačić” in Herceg Novi was attended by the representatives of the Children’s Parliament and the students taking the subject European integration. The students were addressed by the following MPs: Mr Slaven Radunović, Mr Srđa Popović and Mr Koča Pavlović, pointing out the importance of the European integration process and the reform dynamics, relating to the implementation of the European standards, i.e. implementation of the EU legislation.

During the public debate, the students have shown special interest in the advantages of accession, the possibility of expansion of the EU outside the boundaries of Europe, specific issues such as reform of the Montenegrin judiciary and the advantages of new European legislation relating to the mobile phone roaming service. The question of the employment opportunities outside the boarders of the state was asked, and subsequently the concern regarding leaving of young people from Montenegro was expressed.

The MPs pointed out the fact that, among all political parties, no matter how they differed with regard to some issues of daytime politics, there was a consensus on the European integration, and they emphasised that the integration process was necessary for Montenegro with regard to implementation of the society reforms and in that context it represented a shortcut to adoption of better standards. The state with the EU aspirations agreed to participate in the common European market, and the goal of Montenegro in that sense should be creation of a society desirable for living and investments, the MPs pointed out.

During the visit to the only Montenegrin municipality bordering the EU, the members of the Committee on European Integration also met with the management of the municipality of Herceg Novi and on that occasion they spoke on the possibilities of using the IPA funds, primarily from the cross-border cooperation programme. They pointed out the possibilities of applying for the money from the EU funds for projects in such fields as transportation, water supply, fisheries, and environmental protection.