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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 26. November 2013. 19:05

During day one of the Committee on European Integration visit to the United Kingdom, meetings in the House of Lords and House of Commons held

Stated that Montenegro would be 29th member of the European Union

On the first working day of the visit, members of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro met chairpersons and members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of House of Lords and House of Commons of the UK Parliament.

In the House of Lords, the Delegation met with Lord Boswell, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Lord Maclennan of Rogart, Committee member, speaking with them on European Union enlargement policy and reform processes that were on-going in Montenegro.  Speaking on challenges in the negotiation process, the special attention was paid to fields dealing with negotiation chapters 23 and 24, rule of law and judiciary independence. Referring to the limited capacities of Montenegrin administration, the interlocutors agreed that IPA funds must be directed to projects supporting reforms necessary for meeting membership conditions. In the continuation of the meeting, the host voiced interest in the influence of economic crisis on the Western Balkans as well as respect of minority rights and participation of women and young in political processes in Montenegro. British support to enlargement of the Union to the Western Balkans was emphasised, along with expectance that Montenegro would be 29th member of the European family of people

In the House of Commons, the Delegation met with Mr William Cash, Chairperson of the European Scrutiny Committee; during the meeting, inquiring the benefits of Montenegrin membership to the European Union, he stated his political view on reasons for holding referendum on United Kingdom leaving of the European Union. Mr Cash emphasised that the European Union lacked democratic capacity and legitimacy in the process of reaching decisions, pointing out that national parliaments had to have a key role within European Union functioning. Montenegrin party referred to consensus in the Parliament and in the society regarding the membership to the European Union. During the meeting, NATO integrations were discussed and the importance of regional cooperation was stressed in terms of stability and security aspect of the whole Western Balkans.

The parliamentary delegation is composed of the following: Chairperson of the Committee Mr Slaven Radunović, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee Mr Jovan Martinović and members Mr Šefkija Murić, Mr Dritan Abazović, Mr Koča Pavlović and Mr Zoran Srzentić. During the continuation of the official visit, it is planned the Delegation to meet representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth.