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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 27. November 2013. 14:20

Working visit of the Committee on European Integration to the United Kingdom ended

The Delegation met with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth 

During the previous two days of the visit to the United Kingdom, Delegation of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro met with chairpersons and members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of House of Lords and House of Commons of the UK Parliament and representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth.

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth, the meeting was held with the Deputy Director of the European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement Mr Paul Gaskell with his associates, at which the support to Montenegro’s integration was re-confirmed  as well as the need for continuing the initiated reforms which would result in full-fledged membership to the European Union.

MPs informed their interlocutors on the previous course of negotiations and the role of the Committee and the Parliament in the process, which was expected to be long and demanding, but in final, to result in Montenegro’s entrance in the developed European family of people. Devoted to the European integration process and ready to face the most difficult chapters at the very beginning of negotiations, MPs voiced expectance that demanding negotiation chapters 23 and 24 would be opened by the end of the year, and that the Union would remain fair and consisted to the principle of individual measurement of results of a candidate countries in the future. The negotiation process for chapters 25 – Science and Research and 26 – Education and Culture had ended, thus those chapters have been temporarily closed, Committee members pointed out, expressing hope that the positive trend and continuity in negotiations would be continued.

Mr Paul Gaskell said that the Government in London, despite all challenges that the Union was facing with and isolated views that could be heard in his country, would remain firmly committed to a policy of enlargement of the European Union. In the Western Balkans, after the Croatian membership, Montenegro has become a leader when it comes to European integration, as a country that achieves a continuous progress in the accession process. He assessed areas covered by Chapters 23 and 24 as a major challenge in the negotiations, for which official London would scrutinize further reforms. Aware of the complexity of the process, and recognising the importance of good neighbourly relations, Mr Gaskell expressed willingness to assist at all levels, in order negotiations with Montenegro to be finalised in quality and more efficient way.  

The parliamentary delegation that paid a visit to London was composed of the following: Chairperson of the Committee Mr Slaven Radunović, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee Mr Jovan Martinović and members Mr Zoran Srzentić, Mr Šefkija Murić, Mr Dritan Abazović, and Mr Koča Pavlović.