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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 15. January 2014. 18:00

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration meets the Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro

Friendly relations between the two countries highlighted as well as the possibility for promoting the inter-parliamentary cooperation

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Slaven Radunović met today the newly-appointed Ambassador of Romania to Montenegro H.E. Ferdinand Nagy. The Chairperson of the Committee congratulated the guest on his new diplomatic engagement, pointing out that the overall relations of the two countries had been promoted in the previous period, hence voicing expectance that the positive practise of institutional cooperation among state authorities would be continued through signing of new memorandums and agreements.

Ambassador of Romania praised Montenegro's progress on its path towards the European Union, stating that the quality of its reforms was evident, what have resulted in positive assessments in the Progress Report on Montenegro and recent opening of the two most demanding chapters 23 and 24. He emphasised that compliance of legislation, that follows the effective implementation of reforms and transparency of processes, was particularly important in meeting European standards, and that the Parliament was to have prominent role in the negotiation process.

The interlocutors agreed that existing census among political parties in Montenegro, which also existed in Romania during the negotiation process, was important for the smooth course of integrations, so it should be used in the best possible manner, in order the citizens to feel the benefits of the membership prior to state’s joining to European family of peoples. With regard to that, the importance of sharing experience between new member states and candidate countries was stressed, with the aim of making the very negotiation process speeder and more quality, i.e. the state as ready as possible for the membership to the Union.

During the meeting, the return visit of parliamentary delegation of Romanian Delegation to the Parliament of Montenegro was discussed, and it was planned to happen in the first half of the current year.