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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 21. January 2014. 16:30

Delegation of the Committee on European Integration in Study Visit to the European Institutions – Day One

Multiple meetings were held with the representatives of the European Parliament, the EU Council and the European Commission. 

On day one of the study visit of the delegation of the Committee on European Integration to the European institutions multiple meetings were held with the representatives of the European Parliament (EP), the EU Council and the European Commission, among other persons with Mr László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament in charge of relations with the Western Balkans; Mr Libor Roucek, MEP and the Chairperson of the Working Group on the Western Balkans; and Mr Thomas Hagleitner, Deputy Head of Montenegro Unit of the Directorate General for Enlargement of the European Commission.  

In the context of dedication of the European Parliament to further enlargement, the 2014 Support programme aimed at national parliaments of the Western Balkans has been presented at the meetings. It has been estimated that Montenegro had a satisfactory reform dynamics enabling it a continuous progress on its European integration path, but also that further approaching to the Union brought with it new and bigger challenges. The importance of presence of the representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro in Brussels has been pointed out, aimed at strengthening the communication between the Parliament of Montenegro and the European Parliament, as well as continuous providing of information to the Montenegrin MPs on the new European policies.

Various activities undertaken with regard to preparations for the European Parliament elections have been presented, with special emphasis on the activities relating to raising of transparency of work of the European institutions and shortening of the distance between the decisions made in Brussels and the citizens of the European Union themselves. Additionally, the need to harmonise priorities determined at the level of the semi-annual presiding of the European Union has been pointed out, in order to preserve the continuity in policy implementation.

The parliamentary delegation consisting of the Chairperson and the members of the Committee on European Integration: Mr Slaven Radunović, Ms Nada Drobnjak, Mr Predrag Bulatović, Mr Šefkija Murić, Mr Srđa Popović, Mr Zoran Srzentić, Mr Danko Šarančić and Mr Koča Pavlović, paid a two-day study visit to Brussels, organised in cooperation with the European Parliament.