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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 22. January 2014. 17:00

Study visit of the Delegation of the Committee on European Integration to Brussels ended

Special attention to be paid to criteria for opening of demanding negotiation chapters.

On the second working day of the study visit, the delegation met with Mr Eduardo Kukan, MEP and Chairperson of the EP delegation to the EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee; Mr Charles Tannock, MEP and rapporteur for Montenegro, as well as with Mr Thomas Grunert, Head of European Unit for Foreign Affairs of the Directorate General.

The focus of conversation was the 2013 Progress Report on Montenegro, as well as the progress of candidate countries and potential candidates for the EU membership from the South East Europe region. The following chapters were especially emphasised 4 - Free movement of capital, 8 - Competition policy, 11 - Agriculture and rural development and 27 - Environment, as very demanding chapters that would take a lot of time and funds in order to meet all the necessary requirements for membership. With that regard, it was emphasised that candidate countries must focus on quickly meeting the criteria for opening chapters, so that the decision on membership itself would not be prolonged due to these chapters. The need for careful selection of transitional periods was also pointed out, so that the economy of the country following the membership to the Union would not be threatened by the delay in implementation of the European regulations.

The MEP Kukan pointed out that Montenegro was at the stage placing the integration focus on actual implementation of standards and carrying out reforms relating to adoption of European values. By focusing his address on the Aluminium Plant Podgorica (KAP) related issues, he pointed out the need for development of Montenegrin economy, in the environment of the rule of law and competitive market.

At the meeting with the MEP Tannock, the adoption of the 2013 Resolution on Montenegro’s Progress at the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament was welcomed, pointing out, among other things, Montenegro’s success due to recent opening of five negotiation chapters, which, as the European parliamentarian said, represented the proof of continuous work and dedication of the country on its path toward the EU.

At the meeting there was mention of the upcoming European elections, with anticipation of the changes in the structure of political groups in the EP, in a way to strengthen the Euro-scepticism, to which the countries in the accession process should pay special attention, having in mind that the policy of membership conditioning would become more restrictive.

The Chairperson and the members of the Committee on European Integration: Mr Slaven Radunović, Ms Nada Drobnjak, Mr Predrag Bulatović, Mr Šefkija Murić, Mr Srđa Popović, Mr Zoran Srzentić, Mr Danko Šarančić and Mr Koča Pavlović participated in the two-day study visit to Brussels, organised in cooperation with the European Parliament.