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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 04. February 2014. 16:02

Members of the Committee on European Integration meet Mr David Roy Lidington

The importance of national parliaments in the field of European integration stressed and opening up of new possibilities for improvement of cooperation emphasised

Members of the Committee on European Integration met Mr David Roy Lidington, Minister for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who is paying an official visit to Montenegro.

The meeting was marked by exchange of opinions on current issues in the field of European integration and steps that Montenegro should make on its reform path leading to the EU membership.

Minister for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom said that the importance of the Parliament in the field of European integration resulted from the fact that it has been the place where issues from all life spheres have been harmonised. He especially pointed out the influence of parliaments in solving complex issues, such as those covered by negotiation chapters 23 and 24. He reminded that the Lisbon Treaty has improved the position of national parliaments in member states, referring to importance of “yellow card”, on the basis of which national parliaments has influenced the result of regulations to be adopted, whereby if one third raise an objection on the basis that the principle of subsidiarity has been violated then the proposal must be reviewed by the European Commission.

Members of the Committee on European Integration said that there has been a unanimous affirmative opinion in Montenegro regarding European integration process, pointing out to the absolute consensus among political parties in terms of achieving European standards and finalising socio-political and socio-economic reforms leading to the EU membership, and thus Montenegro would confirm its persistence in the effort, not only to secure its place in the competitive European market, but also to strengthen the institute of the rule of law.

Speaking of the significance of providing unanimous support of member states on both – deciding on membership and opening and closing of each chapter individually, Mr Lidington said that the very dynamics of Montenegro’s integration to the European Union has depended on that support. Having in mind that a number of political and economical issues are interdependent, influencing all spheres of social life as well as that solving of issues from chapters 23 and 24 will provide citizens with numerous benefits by creating a good investing surrounding and attracting foreign investments, Montenegro gets a good opportunity of becoming attractive destination for economic investments, Mr Lidington has concluded.

MPs voiced gratitude over the support that the United Kingdom has been providing to Montenegro in the process of implementation of reforms aimed at improving standard of living and administrative capacities, and both sides expressed hope that new possibilities will be opened up in terms of developing cooperation and providing, primarily, technical assistance.

The meeting was attended by the Chairperson of the Committee Mr Slaven Radunović and members of the Committee on European Integration: Ms Nada Drobnjak, Mr Zoran Srzentić, Mr Srđa Popović, Mr Koča Pavlović, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, Mr Predrag Bulatović, Mr Dritan Abazović, Mr Šefkija Murić and Mr Danko Šarančić.