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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 16. June 2014. 15:02

Members of the Committee on European Integration held a meeting with journalists from the EU Member States

The clear message of the members of the Parliament on all parliamentary parties strongly supporting the European path of Montenegro

Members of the Committee on European Integration, met today with a group of 11 journalists from EU Member States, who were paying a visit to Montenegro within the campaign to raise awareness - Discover Montenegro, organized by the European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement.

At the meeting, the Committee members informed the journalists with the activities of the Parliament and of the Committee, with a focus on enhanced role in negotiations with the EU and the mechanisms by which the Committee sought to improve the transparency of the process. The discussion was led on the quality of foreign direct investments as well, respect for human rights, especially the rights of national minorities, as well as challenges that Montenegro had to face in order to meet the European standards and rapid accession - the fight against corruption and strengthening the independence and capacity of state institutions.

The journalists, who come from various European electronic and print media, had shown interest in the relationship of parliamentary parties towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration, the issue of citizens' support to integration processes, as well as the current political situation in Montenegro. In addition, their questions were related to the operation of the Montenegrin monetary system as well.

Members of the Parliament unanimously concluded that despite different political views on certain issues, the opinion of parliamentary parties of the importance of membership in the EU and the implementation of comprehensive reforms was undivided, in order to achieve a better standard of Montenegrin citizens.

The meeting was attended by members of the Committee, Ms Nada Drobnjak, Mr Koča Pavlović, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, Mr Dritan Abazović and Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić.