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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 19. June 2014. 15:46

Members of the Committee on European Integration held a meeting with representatives of the Joint Committee on European Union Affairs of the Parliament of Ireland

Irish parliamentarians expressed strong belief that Montenegro would be the 29th EU member 

Members of the Committee on European Integration met today with representatives of the Joint Committee on European Union Affairs of the Parliament of Ireland, headed by the Committee Chair Dominic Hannigan.

Montenegrin parliamentarians informed guests about the responsibilities and activities of the Committee since its establishment in 2012, as well as efforts aimed at strengthening the role in the negotiation process with the EU, of both this working body and the Assembly as a whole. General consensus of parliamentary parties and high degree of citizen’s support for integration policy of Montenegro to the EU was stressed as an important fact. It was assessed that the Committee on European Integration, after the change of certain documents, had not only a protocol role in the process, but gave essential contribution to the dynamics and quality of reforms, taking into account the common interests of all Montenegrin citizens. 

Irish parliamentarians praised remarkable progress of Montenegro in the accession process, particularly bearing in mind the problem of lack of skilled personnel present in all small countries. Expressing the desire to re-visit Montenegro, they were interested in the level of international promotion of Montenegrin tourism, opportunities for improving the business environment, as well as the structure of foreign direct investment. Members of the Joint Committee on European Union Affairs gave full support for the European aspirations, expressing their strong belief that Montenegro would be 29th member of the European Union. 

In addition to the Chair of the Joint Committee on European Union Affairs Mr Dominic Hannigan, the delegation that visited Montenegro was composed of Mr Eric Byrne and Ms Catherine Noone, as well as H.E. Kevin Dowling, Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland to Montenegro.