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Friday, 04. July 2014. 17:01

Committee on European Integration to organise a public debate on the topic “Legislation of Montenegro and the EU in chapters 15 - Energy and 19 - Social policy and employment”

Debate to be held in EU Info Center, on Wednesday 9 July, at 10:00 am

On Friday 3 July starting at 13:30, the Committee on European Integration will organise a public debate on the topic “Legislation of Montenegro and the EU in chapters 15 - Energy and 19 - Social policy and employment”. The public debate will be held in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro.

The good practice of closer informing the citizens on the negotiation chapters will continue by organising this debate, where the interested public and experts from the field of energy and social policy will have the opportunity to present their views, opinions, and proposals, before the consideration of negotiating positions for chapters 15 - Energy and 19 - Social policy and employment at the upcoming Committee meeting.

The speakers at the public debate will be Chairperson of the Committee Mr Slaven Radunović, Head of Political, European Integration and Trade Section at the EU Delegation to Montenegro Mr Alberto Cammarata, member of the Negotiation Group for Chapter 15 Ms Angelina Živković, member of the Negotiation Group for Chapter 19 Ms Arijana Nikolić-Vučinić, and Head of the Negotiation Group for Chapter 19 Mr Slobodan Filipović.

We invite everyone who is interested to participate in the public debate and to get informed on the content of the said negotiation chapters, and to contribute with their suggestions to Montenegro’s accession process to the EU.

Registration is compulsory for participants in the debate. Everyone who is interested may apply via email: or telephone number: 020 404 553, no later than Thursday 2 July 2015.