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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 19. September 2014. 13:27

28th meeting of the Committee on European Integration

Annex to 2014 Progress Report on Montenegro of the European Commission for the period 1 April to 1 September 2014 was supported at the meeting, and the First and Second Quarterly Report on all activities within the process of integration of Montenegro to the EU were presented.    

At the 28th meeting of the Committee on European Integration, Committee members considered Annex to 2014 Progress Report on Montenegro of the European Commission for the period 1 April to 1 September 2014 as well as the First Quarterly Report on overall activities within the process of integration of Montenegro to the EU for the period January - March 2014 and the Second Quarterly Report for the period April - June 2014. Documents were presented at the meeting by Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator for Accession Negotiations of Montenegro with the EU and Snežana Radović, Managing Director for European Integration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

After introducing the European Commission’s Annex to the Progress Report, there was discussion during which you could hear more opinions on the quality of the document, or whether the Annex represented a realistic picture of the society or whether it can be characterized as a technical document. MPs paid particular attention to segments related to the progress made in Montenegro in the fields of rule of law and promotion of human rights, as well as data relating to the current state of the economy. Upon the discussion, members of the Committee supported the Annex to the Progress Report by majority vote.  

The subject matter of the presentation of the First and Second quarterly report on the overall activities within the process of integration of Montenegro into the EU was the key points of progress in the negotiations with the EU. Ambassador Pejović pointed to the activities carried out in the field of political dialogue with the European Union, implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA and harmonization of Montenegrin legislation with the EU acquis. It was welcomed the fact that based on earlier suggestions of the Committee, the new reporting format includes the activities of the Committee on European Integration within the specified period.